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Road to Employment Guidebook Highlights (Part 3)

Click on the image below to download the guidebook online. Please contact us directly at if you have any questions.

As a continuation from our previous Newsletter that focused on the Resume and Job Application steps of the process, we will now highlight the Interview step from the 2019 Road to Employment in the United States (미국취업 실전 가이드북) guidebook.


The Interview chapter highlights the importance of an interview and how it can affect your chances of getting hired. 

5. Interview

The Interview Process

     - A common interview process is screening, initial interview, and final interview.

     - The interview experiences allow candidates to better understand the role and assess fit for the company.

     - It is vital to prepare, practice, and conduct appropriately throughout the interview process to successfully appeal and present oneself.

     - Hiring managers can assess fit and potential through the interview discussion to make the final decision.

     *HRCap Tip: Research information on the interviewer (name, title, work history) prior to the interview. You can get meaningful information and insights by knowing their current position and background through their LinkedIn profiles. Ask the interviewer about their own experience with the company and how they have become successful. You want to show that you are interested, which in turn will make you a much more memorable candidate to the interviewer.

Interview Format

      - There are many different ways interviews can be conducted. Some common types of interviews      are one-on-one, panel, meal, working, phone, and video.

     - Companies have preferences on what type of interview they wish to conduct, for who and when.

     *HRCap Tip: When doing a video interview, conduct a test run with a peer before the actual interview to ensure there are no technical issues (ex. voice and video quality). Dress up as you would for an in-person interview, and be in a relatively clean area with no ambient noises. Be focused in the center of the camera/video and use a computer, not a mobile phone, for the video interview.

      *HRCap Tip: When in a meal interview, be conscious of your words. An interview during a meal puts you in a more relaxed situation and allows the interviewer to observe you in a different environment. Try to order the same meal as the interviewer so that everything comes out at the same time. Keep the meal simple (ex. pasta) and remember that you may have to shake hands after the interview.

Types of Interview Questions

      - Interviewers will ask different types of questions to get a comprehensive idea of who the interviewee is.

      - The types of questions that can be asked are technical assessments, traditional / standard questions, behavioral questions, and case study questions.

      - Addressing Common Questions

      - Most interviews usually contain common questions that can set the overall tone of the interview or assess your understanding of the position.

      - Some common interview questions are "Tell me about yourself," "What are your greatest professional strengths?," and "Why should we hire you?."

      - There are also tricky questions, like "What are your weaknesses?." Do not lie or answer the question indirectly by thinking it will hurt your professional image during the interview. When answering this question, you want to show that you already know your weaknesses and have taken action to improve upon them.

Questions to Ask

      - Interview discussions must go both ways, and the only way to achieve a two-way conversation is by preparing questions for the interview.

     - Make a list of questions to ask during the interview but refrain from asking common questions,  where the answers can be found online.

      - Focus on questions that show that you did your due diligence on the company and want to learn more about the opportunity.

      - Questions that should be asked during the interview are questions about the company, questions about the job, and questions about logistics.

     *HRCap Tip: Questions regarding salary should be done AFTER an official offer is made. Do not forcefully demand or negotiate offer terms. Personal questions can help break the ice in the beginning of the interview, but should not be asked during the job interview.

End of Interview

      - At the end of the interview, make sure to ask for the interviewer's business card. This is essential when sending a follow up "Thank You" letter and for future networking opportunities.

      - Take detailed notes of the key points and expectations discussed during the interview so that it can be addressed and elaborated in the "Thank You" letter.

     - Ask what the next steps are in the hiring process and the expected timeline, so that you are aware of and effectively prepared for what comes next.

     *HRCap Tip: If the interviewer is reluctant to provide a business card, company email or any other contact information, ask for the HR contact information or the general company email. A Thank You note can still be sent to those contacts to express gratitude for the opportunity.

Interview Follow Up

     - It is highly recommended that a "Thank You" letter is sent to the interviewers within 24 hours of the interview.

      - The letter must be brief and to the point.

      - Thank them for their time and share what was learned from the interview and how it has strengthened your interest in the company.

      - Be personal by referring to specific topics discussed during the interview.

      - If there were multiple interviewers, do not generate the same letter for each person. Address each interviewer by their names, and write individualized letters by highlighting the unique discussion points that was had with each interviewer. This is another opportunity to make a good lasting positive impression.

      *HRCap Tip: If a recruitment agency was used, follow the directions that they provide. They will follow up with the interviewer and provide information on what the next steps are. An agency will also prepare you for the interview and help guide you through the process.

Note: Interview Etiquette Checklist; Popular Nonverbal Mistakes During Job Interviews; Greatest Influence During an Interview.

Case Study: Standing Out.

For a deeper read on the Interview step, please fill out the short survey at to obtain a downloadable digital copy of the Road to Employment in the United States (미국취업 실전 가이드북) guidebook.

Our next Newsletter will be the last part of the guidebook highlights. It will focus on the Offer Stage and Road to Success steps of the employment process. 

At HRCap, we also host live career seminars for students preparing for employment and professionals seeking career transitions. If you are interested in attending a future career seminar, please visit to fill out a short survey. We will contact you once we host a career seminar in your location.

READ THE FULL NEWSLETTER HERE:  HRCap E-Newsletter (March 2019)


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