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HRCap E-Newsletter (May 2018)

Introducing the 2018 New YorkRoad to Employment Career Seminar

HRCap is spearheading the 1st New York Career Seminar hosted by the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in New York (주뉴욕총영사관) on Wednesday May 30th, 2018. As an expert in global headhunting and executive search for almost 20 years, HRCap has been selected by the Consulate General to organize a fully funded all day Career Seminar for next generation Job seeking students in the Greater New York Area. The Road to Employment Career Seminar will provide early tools and meaningful insights to Korean foreign undergraduate and graduate students, so that they can be better equipped for successful employment in the United States.

  • Who: Korean Foreign Undergraduates or Graduates (Current students only)

  • When: Wednesday May 30th, 2018, 9-6PM

  • Where: NYC - Consulate General of Republic of Korea in New York

  • Application Deadline: Sunday May 20th, 2018 *Limited seats available

  • Cost: No registration fee (fully funded); Lunch provided

The seminar will provide key information and personalized consultation to allow attendees to effectively plan for their road to employment. The lecture series will offer unique direction, actionable tips, and realistic “know-hows” on everything from resume writing, job search, company contact, interview prep, offer negotiations, job transitions, and successful assimilation into the new job. HRCap has invited successful professionals who can speak to their own experiences, challenges and learning. Our HRCap CEO Mr. Sungsoo Andrew Kim will moderate a Panel consisting of a Corporate HR leader, a US Visa Immigration lawyer, and a KOTRA K-Move Leader. The panel will discuss turning challenges into opportunities for a successful road to employment in the United States, and take further questions raised from the participants. HRCap’s seasoned recruiters will also provide detailed resume review feedback and personalized career consultation to each seminar participant, who requests this service upon registration. There will also be a networking lunch with guest speakers from the Career Seminar event collaborators, KOTRA and KSEA (Korean American Scientists and Engineers Association). KOTRA’s K-Move Career Fair NYC will follow on Thursday May 31st, 2018 at New York Hilton Midtown Hotel. Career Seminar attendees are strongly urged to attend the Career Fair the next day with their newly refined resumes.

Extending the Invitation

뉴욕총영사관이 주최하며, HRCap이 주관하고, KOTRA와 KSEA가 후원하는 2018 미국취업 성공가이드 세미나에 여러분을 초대합니다. 해당 대상자들에게 하기 초대 내용을 공유해 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 취업 준비에 관심 있는 한인 대학/대학원 유학생들은 아래 링크에 가셔서 이력서와 함께 사전 신청서를 제출해 주시길 바랍니다. 신청마감은 5월 20일이며 선착순으로 50명을 받도록 하겠습니다. 합격 대상자들에게는 3일 안으로 컨펌 이메일을 송부해 드리겠습니다. 많은 관심과 참여 부탁 드립니다.

대상자:        한인 대학/대학원 유학생

일시:            2018년 5월 30일, 수요일 (9am-6pm)

장소:            뉴욕총영사관





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